Comedy Challenge

This post has little to do with that. But it got me thinking. I know some of my local fellows in comedy read this crap.
So. Here's what I'm proposing.
We take a suggesion on a subject from the blog audience, ala improv, then write up some stand up material and go to Dave's Darkhorse next Monday night at open mic night and deliver it. Let the audience decide which one they like best. Winner buys the others a round at the bar. Or something.
So, we take suggestions via comments. Decide on a topic. Write funny (hopefully) original material, go to Dave's next Monday night and kill. Audience decides who wins.
Yes, this scares the bejeebus out of me. That's why it's fun and exciting. Matt and Houston have done it. It can be done. They should join in the challenge.
Who accepts my challenge?
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