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What have I been busy doing you ask?
I'm doing a piece of hip-hop theatre for the Mississippi Theatre Association festival. It's called My Say and it was written by MJ Etua. It's pretty cool but we have far too many white people with no ghetto doing it. My biggest part in the show is coming out of the closet to my best friend and revealing my love for him. And he doesn't receive the news very gracefully. It's an in-your-face, audience interaction thing and I think it'll be fun. It's tonight in the lab theatre in McComas Hall probably around 8:00ish.
After that I think we're going to do some improv for the kids. This next semester is going to be good for the improv comedy troupe, I think. We've got a new organizational structure and the new leaders are ready to roll. I'm looking forward to it and I think the first show will be soon after the semester starts. I'll keep you updated.
I'll try and post something worth reading in the near future. I'm hoping to make some more videos and with iLife '06 I might be doing some podcasting or other such coolness. It'll be arriving next week.
I'm thinking about moving/integrating the blog with a complete website at a new URL. We'll see. Sounds like a lot of work. I should grab karyhead.com before some other karyhead does. Uh huh.
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